February 22, 1932 – Birthdate of Edward M. Kennedy

On this day in history, Edward “Ted” Kennedy was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Ted Kennedy was the youngest brother of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. He was elected to the Senate when he was 30, and continued to work in Congress throughout his life. Kennedy, known as “The Lion of the Senate” was viewed as an icon of political progressivism and liberal thought by the time of his death from a brain tumor, on August 25, 2009.


You can learn more about Kennedy’s record and influence from The Edward M. Kennedy Project hosted online by the University of Virginia Miller Center. As the website explains:

The Edward M. Kennedy Project interviews cover a broad range of politically and biographically important topics, including Kennedy’s pre-Senate years and mastering politics, his relationship to his brothers and their career choices, his rise to the Senate leadership, his political style, his Senate and presidential campaigns, his public causes and how he sought to advance them, and his legacy.”

Most notably, the project has posted online 280 oral history interviews, 29 of those with Senator Kennedy himself. You can see the list of interviewees as well as access the interviews here.

Senator Kennedy speaking at an event to help promote comprehensive immigration reform in 2007.

Senator Kennedy speaking at an event to help promote comprehensive immigration reform in 2007.

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